Here ya go Crazy Drunk, I brought it back up for you. / You Know
You Know
JoinedPosts by You Know
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
by MegaDude inyou know, a frequent poster here, is a mentally deranged semi-jehovah's witness with serious mental problems.
he has serious issues with the watchtower, thus negating his effectiveness as a jw.
he has no responsibility in his own congregation because he is regarded as "strange.
You Know
Englishman stands up for what he believes in, and it usually happens that he believes he'll have another beer whilst his standing at the bar. LOL / You Know
by You Know inthe dilemma facing apostate jehovahs witnesses, or apostate dubs, as i have dubbed them, (no pun intended) is the very fact of their seeming success.
one of the great ironies of the apostate movement, that presumptuously boasts of "know the truth about the truth," is that apostates themselves are bound by the watchtower's own interpretive shortcomings, and hence are massively ignorant of jehovahs judicial decisions regarding his organization.
in that the presumption in operation is that if enough scandal and error can be brought to light regarding the governing body, the watchtower society's teachings, as well as individual jehovah's witnesses, then that somehow means that jehovah's witnesses have no connection with jehovah god.
You Know
i see youve ignored the comments i and others have made about your obviously faulty logic. heres some more:
I can't allow one poster to monoploize all of my attention. I've got to spread the love around. / You Know
Bobby/YK ? Please answer
by Kiiame inbobby i hope you do not mind me dropping in like this.
first please bear with me my english is not good i am not born american.
i am student in teaching .
You Know
Hello again Kiiame, I didn't see your post here until several hours after you posted it. I am just bringing it back up to the top so that you see it. I didn't want you to think that I ignored it. Let me know if you see it or if you have any other questions. / You Know
Helping Newbies Understand YOU KNOW
by JT infor those of you who may not be aware of who bobby is better know as "you know".
allow me to share some things about this man that may help to shed some light on his mindset as a jw.. one of the most important things i have found when dealing with "loyal" jw on the net is to find out thier status with in the org, esp if they are male- .
you see this organization is a "position" driven organization, esp for males and if they have no position within thier local congo - other than mike handler after being a jw for years then that means in most cases the male jw is considered a flunky- we have seen guys as young as 17 being appointed as ms-.
You Know
Why? For doing what you're doing here. How is what he did different from you?
I remember when I lived in Southern California, I got the bright idea that I was going to take up surfing. I saw these young guys out there making it look soooo easy. So I borrowed a surfboard and paddled out into the frigid water to wait for the next set. What I realized is that an 8 foot wave doesn't look that big when you are standing on the shore, but when you are laying prone on a board looking back over your shoulder as the wave starts to lift the board it looks like a tsumani bearing down on you. Moments later when you and your board are sent tumbling, like in a giant washing machine, you realize that things are not always like they seem. The point is, that we never really know how we are going to deal with tests of your faith until we are in the middle of it.
Peter wrote: "Beloved ones, do not be puzzled at the burning among you, which is happening for a trial, as though a strange thing were befallling you. On the contrary, go on rejoicing forasmuch as you are sharerers in the sufferings of the Christ."
Typically we think of the sufferings of the Christ as applying to his death on the torture stake. But, Jesus suffered in other ways that were more sublte. For instance, he was thught by his own family to be out of his mind. He was many times distressed over the insensitivity of the Jews and the failings of his own apostles. So the burning that occurs among us are these sorts of trials that God allows to take place among us. We usually are much more resolute in the face of persecution from outside the congregation but for some reason we are not willing to tolerate persecution from within the congregation. That's why Peter urged us not to view it as a "strange thing" when it occurs.
You know what I'm saying, right? Is it just congregational, or have you seem this too?
It is institutional, unfortunately. If you are interested in Jehovah's perspective on the issue read the 34th chapter of Ezekiel. It is Jehovah's judicial decisions leveled against the bad shepherds of his flock. Naturally the Society applies that to the clergy. But, Jehovah says that the shepherds are shoving his sheep out of the flock and abusing them in various ways. Obviously, that doesn't apply to false religion becuase God refers to it as his flock of sheep. So God's judgment is to retire the bad shepherds and take over his flock by means of his shepherd "David." That is what will occur when Christ "arrives." / You Know
by You Know inthe dilemma facing apostate jehovahs witnesses, or apostate dubs, as i have dubbed them, (no pun intended) is the very fact of their seeming success.
one of the great ironies of the apostate movement, that presumptuously boasts of "know the truth about the truth," is that apostates themselves are bound by the watchtower's own interpretive shortcomings, and hence are massively ignorant of jehovahs judicial decisions regarding his organization.
in that the presumption in operation is that if enough scandal and error can be brought to light regarding the governing body, the watchtower society's teachings, as well as individual jehovah's witnesses, then that somehow means that jehovah's witnesses have no connection with jehovah god.
You Know
You DO doged the question... simple like that. You did not answer, you posed another question.
Call it what you will. Jesus often refused to answer baited questions and instead turned the tables and asked his interrogators questions that they refused to answer because it would incriminate them. I try to follow the Master's lead in that respect.
THEY DID NOT GIVE ME ALL THE INFORMATION o I did not make a thourough investigation. I was 16 years old!.
Ahh, so that used trickery on you huh? That's exactly what the Corinthian brothers accused Paul of doing with them, the reason they felt that way is because they were under the evil influence of the superfine apostles, whom Paul said were agents of the Devil functioning within the congregation. That's why Paul wrote them and said: "Nervertheless, you say, I was "crafty" and I caught you by "trickery." You similarly have been brought under the evil influence of the cult of Ray Franz, and as my post points out you are ill-equipped to deal with the deep things that he has brought to bear against the brothers. The point is that the dynamics of the truth have not changed. If anointed Christians in the 1st century, that had all the outward manifestations of the spirit, could be seduced by the Devil's agents into believing that Paul was a fraud how much more easily can the Governing Body be made to appear as evil men who have misled people by trickery? Paul also noted that they were victorious "through bad report and good report; as deceivers and yet truthful, as being unknown and yet being recognized, as dying and yet, look! we live, as disciplined and yet not delivered to death..." Accordingly, we today may be made to appear as decievers, and yet still be true to our claim of being Jehovah's possession.
I did not know the history of this organization. If I had known I would have not been converted.
Well, that's why the Society would rather you not know about those things. Like I said, you have been stumbled. Take the example of the Jewish nation. Was it Jehovah's organization? According to God it was his special possession out of all the nations. Did the Jewish kings and priests commit numerous acts of unfaithfulness against God? Yes, you know that that is true. The Bible is full of their follies. But, did they at any point stop being Jehovah's people? No. Up until Jehovah dissolved his relationship with them after Christ instituted the spiritual Israel the fleshly Jews were still God's people. So, your reasoning is just not sound. / You Know
Helping Newbies Understand YOU KNOW
by JT infor those of you who may not be aware of who bobby is better know as "you know".
allow me to share some things about this man that may help to shed some light on his mindset as a jw.. one of the most important things i have found when dealing with "loyal" jw on the net is to find out thier status with in the org, esp if they are male- .
you see this organization is a "position" driven organization, esp for males and if they have no position within thier local congo - other than mike handler after being a jw for years then that means in most cases the male jw is considered a flunky- we have seen guys as young as 17 being appointed as ms-.
You Know
I knew a sister once who like Y/K thought she was of the anointed. She bit the cookie & drank the wine etc. Come to find out she was having menopause. She's not even around anymore. He he he You/Know. Your next.
Gulp! Really? You mean I am going to start getting hot flashes? / You Know
by MegaDude inyou know, a frequent poster here, is a mentally deranged semi-jehovah's witness with serious mental problems.
he has serious issues with the watchtower, thus negating his effectiveness as a jw.
he has no responsibility in his own congregation because he is regarded as "strange.
You Know
Stop looking at me swan!
Huh? / You Know
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
as of june 17th, india had also ruled out the immediate possibility of war with pakistan, and indicated that there was no "perceivable" tension along the line of control. at that time though, india was still ruling out dialouge with pakistan over the disputed kashmir state due to the continued cross-border terrorism taking place. since then, even more has changed.
Nothing has changed in that at any moment the next terrorist atrocity in Kashmir or India can bring them right back to the brink of nuclear catastophe. That's what I meant by nothing has changed. I know China, Russia, and the US are supposedly trying to sooth over the tensions. But, there are other very powerful undercurrents that are just as determined to set off a conflagration between the two dark-skinned peoples. That's just the way the Devil's world is. / You Know
Bobby/YK ? Please answer
by Kiiame inbobby i hope you do not mind me dropping in like this.
first please bear with me my english is not good i am not born american.
i am student in teaching .
You Know
Hello Kiiame.
You have asked a very good question that is not so easy to answer. You are right, all of us are sinners in God's eyes. What makes it particularly serious is when those who bear the name of Jehovah fall short and bring reproach on God's name. Remember that Jehovah told Moses that God was merciful and gracious and that Jehovah would pardon error, "but that by no means would Jehovah give exemption from punishment." Jehovah God is a loving and responsible Father. And like any parent he is concerned about his children. God knows that sin is a terrible thing and he sometimes has to take very strong measures to dicipline those whom he loves in order to bring them back to himself so as to save us from destruction.
Read the book of Judges sometime. It gives us a very good idea how Jehovah deals with his children. Time and time again the Hebrews would fall into idolatry and God would allow their enemies to dominate them, then, when they came to their senses jehovah would raise up a savior for them. Samson, Barak, Gideon, Deborah, and Samuel were a few of the ones that God used to bring his people back.
Then read the history of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. All the prophets like Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Habakkuk foretold that God was going to severely punish the Jews by allowing the Chaldeans to destroy Jerusalem. And, of course, history verifies that that is exactly what happened. But, did God totally destroy the Jewish religion? No. He later restored the Jews to their homeland and they rebuilt the temple and apparently they learned their lesson in that they never again resorted to worshipping false gods. But, when Christ came to the nation they were in need of correction because the religion had become corrputed by the Pharisees. This time God completely changed direction by establishing Christ as the head of a new organization and God allowed the Romans to trash the city of Jeruslaem and its temple.
Now at the end of the Christian era we are in a situation similar to the Jews. Jehovah has those whom he has anointed and brought into a New Covenant with him through Christ and has organized us to preach about his kingdom. But, just like the Jews we tend to rely upon the visible organization rather than the invisible One who exists outside and above all institutuions. The human tendency is to trust men, not God. And whether you set a little idol statue in front of yourself or exalt a magazine publishing company above the dictates and principles of God, from God's standpoint it is idolatry. So, Jehovah God must remain true to himself. He must purge us once and for all time of our folly. That's what the coming tribulation will accomplish. But God is not going to destroy the true religion though, just as he didn't destroy the Jewish faith when the Babylonians destroyed their holy city. Jehovah is merely going to put us through an excruciating experience in order to purge the faithless from our midst and refine those who remain into the sort of persons whom God will be pleased to give his kingdom to.
Hope that helps. Please feel free to ask me whatever is on your mind. That's why I am here.
/ You Know
Edited by - You Know on 18 July 2002 8:22:48